Chris Pickup was trained as a conservator in the Conservation of Cultural Heritage at the University of Lincoln. He offers a full range of conservation services with a particular specialism in ceramics. This also includes museum and exhibition photography. He has been engaged in conservation projects with organisations such as: Derby Museum; Galleries of Justice, Nottingham; University of Nottingham Archaeology Museum and Ruddington Village Museum. Below is a range of before and after images of recent projects.
A Deverel Rimbury Bronze Age burial urn shown here post excavation and (right) reconstructed and conserved.
The reconstruction of two porcelain dolls' heads of identical mould number, making replacement parts by reconstruction and casting from the other head.
The pyrite treatment and reconstruction of a Plesiosaur humerus bone shattered by pyrite decay.
An example of the cleaning and conservation of a natural history specimen from Derby Museum's natural history collection
The reconstruction of a Spode spill vase including the removal of staples, fills and retouching of glaze.
Conserving the lacquer and papier mâché of a Japanese box.